ESG Initiatives

Directors and the Board of Directors

  • Independence of Directors

The Company has nine Directors, and five of them have been appointed as independent officers. The Company’s criteria for the independence of Outside Directors comply with the standard defined by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In consideration of their careers and relationship with the Company, individuals are selected with the understanding that they can guarantee a sufficient level of independence for performing their duties as Outside Directors who are separate from the management at the Company.

  • Evaluation regarding the effectiveness of the Board of Directors

With the aim to boost the functions of the Board of Directors and enhance our corporate value, the Company carried out an analysis and evaluation on the effectiveness of the Board of Directors in FY2023. Specifically, the Company surveyed Directors, including those who are members of the Audit & Supervisory Committee, regarding general matters relating to the Board of Directors, including the composition of the Board, the way it operates, the status of deliberations, and the status of collaboration with Outside Officers. The Company evaluates the Board based on an analysis of the results from these surveys. To gain frank opinions from survey respondents, the Company carries out anonymous questionnaires, and entrusts an external organization with the tasks of collecting, aggregating, and analyzing the results.
Based on the analysis of the questionnaires, it was confirmed that the Company’s Board of Directors has suitable effectiveness in general. On the other hand, several opinions were on future challenges, such as diversity of board members and increasing the ratio of female Directors and increasing the ratio of Independent Outside Directors, and issues for further improvement of the Board of Directors’ functions and activation of discussions were also shared.

  • Director skill matrix

A skill matrix of the Company’s Board of Directors is given below.

Name Business administration Industry experience and knowledge M&A and business development IT and technology Legal and compliance Dialog with capital markets and financial accounting Global business ESG and the SDGs
Yosuke Matsushima
Ryo Noguchi
Yuta Yamamoto
Seiji Takeda
Jihyun Lee
Tsuneo Shimoda
Nanpei Hayashi
Daisuke Fujioka
Taeko Watanabe


  • Proportion of female Directors

Out of the nine Directors at the Company, two is female. The Company selects Board members with a view to create a balance of experience, insight, ability, and other matters, while also considering diversity. Going forward, the Company will work toward a goal of having over 30% of women among its Directors by FY2030.

Director Compensation System

  • Policy on determining compensation for directors

The Company has established the Nomination & Compensation Advisory Committee as a voluntary advisory body to the Board of Directors. It has been determined that a majority of the members in the Nomination & Compensation Advisory Committee are Audit & Supervisory Committee members or Independent Outside Directors. The role of Committee chairperson is carried out by an Independent Outside Director.
The Nomination & Compensation Advisory Committee deliberates on matters such as the nomination and dismissal of Directors (including Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee members) and Executive Officers, as well as standards for compensation, after which it submits its opinions to the Board of Directors. Apart from this system, the Committee determines individual compensation amounts and other matters for Directors based on a delegation of authority from the Board of Directors.
In addition, at the meeting of the Board of Directors held on June 13, 2022, the Company made a resolution on the policy for determining the individual compensation amounts and other matters for Directors (excluding Directors who are Audit & Supervisory Committee members. Hereinafter “Directors”). An overview of this resolution is given below.

  • The Company’s compensation for Directors shall be based on a compensation system that fully functions as an incentive to continuously increase corporate value and shall consist solely of base compensation, which is a monthly fixed compensation. Directors shall be granted paid share subscription rights separately from their compensation.
  • The base compensation for individual Directors shall be determined in accordance with the roles and responsibilities expected of each Director and in comprehensive consideration of factors such as the economic environment, market trends, and the compensation levels of other companies.
  • The Company’s compensation for individual Directors shall be determined at the discretion of the Nomination & Compensation Advisory Committee based on the above policy.

When making the resolution on this policy for determining compensation amounts, the Company submitted the matters to be resolved to the Nomination & Compensation Advisory Committee in advance and received a response. The reason for delegating the determination of individual compensation amounts for Directors to the Nomination & Compensation Advisory Committee is to ensure fairness, transparency, and objectivity when determining compensation amounts and other matters.

Business Ethics

  • Initiatives for adherence to business ethics and compliance

The Company’s group positions adherence to business ethics and compliance as part of its materiality. The Company’s group has determined and publicizes its basic principles for governance in the JMDC Group Code of Conduct.
In addition, the Company’s group has established a Risk Management Committee as a voluntary organization to carry out risk management in the group. The Committee holds compliance training on information management, respecting human rights and other matters, and it publicizes information on its internal reporting system. Furthermore, the Risk Management Committee is led by the Representative Director as Committee Chair and is composed of persons nominated thereby. The Committee is joined by one Director who is a full-time Audit & Supervisory Committee member as an observer.

  • Policy regarding the prevention of bribery and corruption

In the JMDC Group Code of Conduct, the Company has determined that it will comply with laws and regulations and carry out sincere business activities, that it will engage in fair, free, and transparent competition and transactions, and that it will not engage in providing entertainment and gifts to customers, etc. that deviate from social norms.

  • Internal reporter protection system

The Company has established internal reporting rules with the objective of preventing or identifying and correcting acts that violate laws, regulations, internal rules, or other aspects of business ethics, and achieving continued and stable development in the Company’s group. The Company has established the Compliance Hotline (an internal and an external contact point) as a point of contact for the internal reporting system based on the Whistleblower Protection Act.
The Compliance Hotline aims to respond in an appropriate, swift, and impartial manner regarding consultations and reports from Officers and employees regarding actions in violation of laws and regulations or other matters. As such, the Compliance Hotline has the objective of contributing to compliance management.
Details on the external contact point are given below.

Eisen Law and Patent Office
Keijiro Miwa, Attorney and Patent Attorney
Floor 7, Doi Building, 5-2-7 Toranomon,
Minato Ward, Tokyo 105-0001 Japan
Fax: 03-6435-7382

  • Employee education regarding business ethics and compliance

The Company’s group holds compliance training for all employees (including permanently stationed dispatched and contract employees) and checks their level of understanding in this regard.

Privacy/Data Security

  • Data protection policy and scope

In order to handle personal data on individuals in a fair and appropriate manner, to acquire the data for specific explicit and legal purposes, to process the data with a scope in which such processing is relevant to such purposes, and to thereby protect individuals from improper or wrongful automated decisions using the data, the Company group has established the Personal Information Protection Policy ( based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other applicable laws and regulations, as well as the latest international debates on data privacy. The Company’s group applies this Policy to the handling of all the Company’s personal information.

  • Personal data management

With respect to the management of personal data retained by the Company, the Company has established Clause 7 (Customer Rights) in the JMDC Privacy Policy ( and has also established detailed privacy policies for each service (for example, The company accommodates rights regarding requests for the disclosure of personal information, as well as rights regarding requests for the correction, addition, or deletion of personal information.

  • Information security policy

In light of the sensitivity of the medical information, including personal data, handled by the Company, and with the objective of ensuring both security for and utilization of this data, the Company group has appointed a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and promotes information security with a dedicated security structure.
The company has also established the Basic Information Security Policy. For details, please see the Basic Information Security Policy (

  • External audit on information security and the acquisition of external certification

With respect to personal information protection and information security management, the Company undergoes an external audit at least once a year from its customers, including health insurance associations and medical institutions. As of the time of submitting this document, the Company has not received any notices regarding inadequacies in this regard.
In addition, the Company has acquired the following certifications covering all its services and all its business divisions:

  • Privacy Mark
    Scope of certification: companywideDate of acquisition: August 24, 2009Certification number: 17000311
  • ISMS (ISO 27001)
    Scope of certification: companywideDate of acquisition: November 22, 2008Certification number: JQA-IM1377
  • Employee training regarding information security

The Company’s group holds information security training for all employees (including permanently stationed dispatched and contract employees), checks their level of understanding in this regard, and aims to promote the understanding of information security.

Human Resource Development

  • Policy for hiring human resources

The Company’s policy is to hire people who sympathize with the Company’s mission and can contribute to the enhancement of corporate value, regardless of gender, nationality, etc. The Company is working to create an environment, etc., in which these people can work with greater productivity and enthusiasm.

  • Status of women in managerial roles

The percentage of women in management positions in our group is approximately 21% of the total number of management positions, and the Company will work toward a goal of 30% by FY2024. In addition, the Company creates opportunities for all employees regarding fair and equal evaluations and appointments.

  • Education and training systems

The Company carries out training upon recruitment of all new employees, regardless of whether they are new graduates or mid-career hires, and also checks the status of this training afterwards. In addition, following recruitment, the Company actively supports participation in training carried out by external companies in addition to its own training programs, and it responds to the diverse growth needs of diverse people to help realize medium to long-term mutual growth for both individuals and the company.

  • Status of employee satisfaction survey

The Company enables all employees to present their opinions and requests regarding work styles and various systems. In addition, the Company continually makes concerted efforts with regard to activities to improve the environment based on these opinions and requests. Furthermore, the Company incorporates consultations regarding medium to long-term career development and reassignment to other divisions, whereby it assigns the appropriate person to the appropriate location. Through these efforts, the Company realizes medium to long-term mutual growth between individuals and the company.

  • Employee stock ownership association system

The company has established the Employee Stock Ownership Association with the objectives of reducing the risk of the Company’s employees engaging in insider trading by having them acquire and retain the Company’s stock to further share the value thereof with shareholders and further boost corporate value, as well as helping to ensure stable purchasing demand contributing to an increase in turnover and helping to boost the liquidity of the Company’s stock.

  • Benefits and work–life balance

The Company allows employees to work with peace of mind through various benefits, including systems that support life events such as childcare and elderly care, systems that promote work–life balance such as Golden Week leave and one-week leave systems, and systems for company-provided housing utilizing asset formation. In addition, the Company makes concerted efforts to realize its corporate philosophy by utilizing healthy life years incentives, Pep Up walking rallies, and other services from the Company for health promotion.

  • Human resources systems and feedback process

The Company operates human resources systems that accommodate diversity to realize the development of diverse businesses through diverse human resources. A company-wide feedback process is held twice a year across the Company, in which the views of individuals are reconciled with their superiors, division managers, and the entire Company with regard to individual objectives, growth, and medium to long-term career development.

  • Manager and leader development training program

The Company believes that the development of managers and leaders is vital for the development and growth of diverse businesses. As such, the Company provides ample business opportunities and feedback from management among other efforts in OJT-based education, while also holding training programs that place management in a central role.

  • Anti-harassment measures

The Company ensures that all directors and employees are aware that it does not tolerate any conduct that causes physical or emotional distress, such as sexual harassment, power harassment, harassment related to pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave, etc., and customer harassment.

Pediatric Care x Big Data


The Company promotes a project called BIG DATA FOR CHILDREN.
In Japan, there is very little development of pharmaceuticals for children. In clinical settings, off-label pharmaceutical use is performed, or individual physicians and pharmacists carry out creative measures involving formulations meant for adults. From the perspective of disease burden, surveys and analysis have not sufficiently been carried out regarding the various types of burdens, such as the lifestyle burden and economic burden related to children who suffer from diseases. In addition, fundamental descriptive epidemiology has not sufficiently been carried out regarding matters such as the number of children who have diseases, the types of diseases they have, and quantitative information on outpatient and inpatient care.
BIG DATA FOR CHILDREN is a project that utilizes one of Japan’s largest Healthcare-Big Data sets, which is held by the Company, to promote unique initiatives for solving the issues that make it difficult to research the actual state of diseases and treatment among children.
By relating details to society about the actual state of children suffering from illnesses, the project creates opportunities to save the children who will build Japan’s future.
For details, see the link below.


Promotion of Health Management

JMDC Inc. (the “Company”), as a company seeking to realize a healthy society, promotes health management to help its employees and their families maintain and further improve their health. We recommend that our business partners comply with laws and regulations related to occupational safety and health of employees and practice health management. We will also ask them to allow us to check their progress.

  • Compliance related to the occupational safety and health of employees
    • Mental health
      Conduct stress checks at business sites where 50 or more employees work, aggregate and analyze the data by group, and take the necessary measures based on the results
    • Health checkups
      Implement measures aimed to have all employees take health checkups and encourage those who need follow-up examinations to undergo them
    • Overwork
      Observe legally mandated working hours and properly manage break times, holidays, paid leaves, etc.
  • Recommendation for implementation of health management
    • Provide employees and their families with an environment where they can work in good mental and physical health, and also provide relevant information and opportunities
    • Seek to obtain “KENKO Investment for Health” certification as organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and other health management certification systems by local municipalities


JMDC’s Health Management (only available in Japanese)



  • Promotion of environmental management practices
    The Company group will introduce an environmental management system and improve it in an ongoing manner. Under this system, we will mitigate environmental impacts and ensure compliance with legal regulations. We will continuously assess the environmental impact of our business operations and pursue sustainable growth.


  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
    The Group will aim to become carbon neutral by 2050 by promoting energy conservation measures and expanding our use of renewable energy sources at data centers and offices.


  • Environmental considerations
    The Company will promote the effective use of water and other resources, resource recycling, waste reduction, prevention of air pollution, etc., and the effective use of resources by promoting paperless initiatives and strengthening recycling activities for electronic devices and office goods.


  • Conservation of biodiversity
    The group will promote initiatives to minimize the impact of its business activities on biodiversity. We will strengthen our partnerships with local communities and actively participate in activities for ecosystem conservation.


  • Education on environmental conservation and awareness promotion
    The Company will strengthen its employee education program on environmental conservation to help all employees raise their own awareness of environmental issues. We will also communicate our environmentally friendly initiatives to our clients and partner companies so as to gain their understanding and cooperation regarding the matter.


  • Promotion of environmental partnerships
    The Company will promote its environmental considerations throughout the entire supply chain. We will enhance our collaboration with partner companies that engage in the provision and analysis of healthcare data and make concerted efforts to mitigate environmental impacts.


  • Transparency in environmental reporting
    The Company will disclose its environment-related initiatives and outcomes on a regular basis to ensure a highly transparent information disclosure structure. We will emphasize the clear communication of all progress regarding our environmental performance to our stakeholders.


Last revised on October 10, 2024

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